Great Easton
Church of England (VA) Primary School

Snow Hill, Great Easton, Essex CM6 2DR

Healthy Schools & Menus

Our School Story - Great Easton Primary

Our smaller than average rural Primary school serves the Five parishes of Chickney, Tilty, Broxted, Little Easton and Great Easton.

Our Health and Well-being priority was to increase the number of children who can make healthier food choices.

As a staff we discussed snack time. Children were running around eating, the playground was littered with packets, and half-eaten food was strewn on the ground. Many children were choosing to leave snacks uneaten so that they could play instead. The SHEU survey was showing that a higher than county average number of children were saying that they did not eat breakfast. Half of those who completed the SHEU also said that they did not eat enough fruit. After discussion with staff and children during class council/school council sessions it was agreed that snacks and water would be taken inside the classroom. By doing this children monitor each other regarding “healthy snacks” and teachers too can keep a close check on children’s choices. Children say they prefer to sit down in the classroom to enjoy a café-style environment to eat their snacks. The playground is virtually litter-free too.

As a school we decided together to provide a greater range of school meals. School dinners are incredibly popular, meals cost £2.50. Parents and family are welcome to come and try our delicious lunches any day of the week – just pre-book in the office. This is a particularly lovely way to celebrate birthdays!

The introduction of ‘KidsClub’ has been popular with both children and parents.

Run by members of staff, it provides a Breakfast and After School club every day. Children are closely supervised and have a wonderful time! 

Breakfast Club – 8:00am to 8:40am (when children can go into class). We do not include breakfast but children are welcome to bring food from home to eat – £4.00

After-School Club – has been broken up into four sessions:

Mini – 3:15pm to 3:45pm – £2.00

Early – 3:15pm to 4:15pm – £4.00

Mid – 3:15pm to 5:15pm – £8.00
(for anyone that attends a club for the first hour) – 4:15pm to 5:15pm – £4.00

Late – 3:15pm to 6:15pm – £12.00
Club Late (for anyone that attends a club for the first hour) – 4:15pm to 6:15pm – £8.00

Mid, Club Mid, Late & Club Late sessions can include a healthy snack at an additional cost of £2.00.

Drinks will be made available for all sessions.

Bookings can be made in advance via SCOPAY and up to 1pm on the day – after 1pm please contact the school office to book.

Our targeted outcome focussed on KS2 girls who, according to the SHEU survey, wanted to lose weight. We addressed this by introducing a cross country club for staff and pupils. Additional sports were introduced, to appeal to girls as well as boys; hockey and netball, as well as encouraging both boys and girls to take part in dodgeball. Our present cohort of KS 2 girls are prepared to participate in all sports and are good swimmers, gymnasts, dancers as well as good role models for the younger children. Next SHEU results hopefully will reflect this.

We are very lucky to have amazing school grounds and our Gardening Club enjoy growing flowers and herbs, but we would like to extend our Healthy school work to make greater improvements. Our next action plan will focus on using our grounds to deliver more learning outdoors by utilising better, what we have. A RHS representative worked alongside staff and children to highlight areas we could improve. Projects will include the involvement of children, staff, parents, grandparents, and members of the community.

Our School Council parents, children and staff are all involved in setting each term’s menus – the current menu is available below.